Success Stories

Meet Passport To Success

Aug 30th, 2016

Passport To Success

On a stifling hot morning, a group of ten 14- and 15-year-olds huddled around a cluster of desks at Harlem Park Middle School in West Baltimore. They weren’t here for summer school—these young people were selected to participate in YouthWorks, a widely popular opportunity among local teens looking for jobs from June to August. This year, a record 9,400 youth applied to participate.

Placed at Baltimore City schools, the youngest YouthWorks participants earned an hourly wage as they maintained a clean campus and helped school administrators with special projects. This year, instead of getting straight to work each morning, youth spent a few hours learning and practicing life skills with a small group of peers. They trained using Passport to Success® (PTS), the IYF curriculum that has prepared more than 100,000 young people in over 40 countries for productive employment. This new connection to Baltimore youth comes as the result of a partnership with the Mayor’s Office for Employment Development and the Family League.

Meet 1B4J's Certified Medical Administrative Assistants

Aug 19th, 2016

Certified Medical Administrative Assistants

As part of the One Baltimore for Jobs initiative managed by the Mayor’s Office of Employment Development, Humanim created a program to train Baltimore residents to become Certified Medical Administrative Assistants.    

Meet Chanae

Aug 18th, 2016


Chanae Boice is a 16-year-old living in West Baltimore and enjoying her second summer employed with a YouthWorks job.




Meet Alexandra

Aug 15th, 2016

When looking for a job as a 14-year-old high school freshman in 2009, Alexandra Odom quickly realized that her options were limited. Though she was eligible for employment with a work permit, few employers were willing to hire someone so young. Alexandra eventually found a summer job with YouthWorks.  

Alexandra Odom

Meet Anderson Automotive Youth Opportunity Program

Jul 5th, 2016

Anderson Automotive

The Anderson Automotive Youth Opportunity Program is a partnership between Anderson Automotive and Youth Opportunity (YO) Baltimore, a Mayor’s Office of Employment Development initiative serving out-ofschool and out-of-work young adults.  It's proven to be an innovative way to introduce youth interested in automotive careers to the automotive industry. This partnership not only meets the immediate needs of both the company and the participants, it also assists youth in finding a stable and rewarding career.

Meet Baltimore City Water Industry Youth

Jun 3rd, 2016

Water Industry Graduating Class

The Mayor's Office of Employment Development created a program to serve out-of-school and out-of-work young adults interested in a water industry career. 

Meet Shimira

May 26th, 2016


Shimira wanted a career in nursing and decided to enroll in a job readiness training program. 

Meet Calvin

May 19th, 2016


Calvin began the City Life Builders construction program with a long-term goal of becoming an electrician.

Meet Shirley

Mar 1st, 2016


As a long-term Macy’s Department Store employee, Shirley Timmons never imagined at 60 years old she would be looking for another job. However, when the store at Owings Mills Mall closed, Shirley was laid off and was indeed out of a job.


Meet Darryl

Dec 27th, 2015


Coming out of prison in May 2015 was the start of a new beginning for Darryl. He had been incarcerated for 10 months because of a drug conviction. 
