Meet William

Monday Oct 31st, 2011


Workforce Challenge 

William Durant suddenly found himself out of a job after 25 years working for a trucking company that went out of business in 2009.

Workforce Solution

As a requirement of claiming unemployment insurance benefits, Mr. Durant registered with the Eastside One-Stop Career Center operated by the Baltimore City Mayor’s Office of Employment Development. He started coming to the center every morning, five days a week, to take classes in the on-site Digital Learning Lab. Although he had worked with computers throughout his career, the software he knew was specific to the trucking industry and he needed to expand his knowledge base. 

The Digital Learning Labs located within the one-stop career centers offer Internet and Computing Core Certification (IC3), the global standard for basic computer literacy accreditation. The labs are IC3-certified testing and training centers, where customers are able to study for and take the IC3 exam, which covers computing fundamentals, key applications including Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint, and Internet basics such as email and web browsing.

Outcomes & Benefits

Mr. Durant earned the IC3 certification within five months, which made him eligible to take advantage of the Pathways to Cybersecurity Careers program offered through the Career Center Network. The Pathways to Cybersecurity Careers grant is funded by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration and is led by Anne Arundel Workforce Development Corporation. Mr. Durant successfully completed a series of five courses at Howard Community College in August, 2010, and passed the A+ certification exam later that month. Upon obtaining the A+ certification Mr. Durant is now qualified to apply for entry-level helpdesk positions. 

“These are the jobs of the future,” said Mr. Durant. He added, “My experience with the Eastside One-Stop Career Center has been one of empowerment and learning. The counselors and resources are exactly what we need to gain a foothold in today’s job market.”


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