Meet Deric

Tuesday Sep 13th, 2011


Workforce Challenge 

Deric Richardson visited his local MOED One-Stop Career Center to seek employment services after he lost his job as a security guard. 

Workforce Solution

He recognized that he needed to be re-trained in a different fi eld and was interested in the training options promoted at the center provided through the federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). Noting that there was training in the high-growth field of bioscience, Deric investigated this option and applied to participate in the training. BioTechnical Institute of Maryland (BTI) was the training provider selected by the Mayor’s Office of Employment Development and its advisory Baltimore Workforce Investment Board to conduct the industry skills training in the biotechnology field.

Deric actively participated in the 14-week training that included lecture and hands-on experience in basic laboratory skills, such as solution preparation, cell culture, molecular biology, aseptic technique, clean room gowning and procedures, proper documentation, and laboratory equipment and safety. In addition to BTI faculty, industry experts provided presentations, demonstrations and hands-on opportunities for Deric and the other participants. The ARRA grant allowed for Deric to benefi t from this extensive training and support services at no cost to him. He excelled in the program despite being a bioscience novice. His knowledge and skills grew tremendously during the program, as he realized how exciting and interesting a career in biotechnology would be. He gained the necessary competencies and skill sets that prepared him to pursue this career. The training included a paid internship at BD Diagnostics, a global bioscience company, that Deric completed successfully. 

Outcomes & Benefits

BTI then referred him to Paragon Bioservices at the University of Maryland, Baltimore BioPark, where he was hired in July 2010 as a Laboratory Associate. Deric is planning to continue his growth in his new field and has applied to Baltimore City Community College’s biotechnology degree program.

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